Beautiful islamic urdu names With Their Meaning in Urdu:

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Beautiful islamic urdu namesand their Meaning in Urdu is a Hindi Quranic Verse by which it has been mentioned that every true Muslim is required to be named with the name of Allah. This verse was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him when he was praying in the Ka'ba in Madina. These beautiful Islamic Urdu Names and their Meaning in Urdu have been listed by various scholars as well as Ayurvedic Doctors in different forms. In this article we will discuss how you can find the beautiful Islamic Urdu Names with their Meaning in Urdu that are available online.

As far as social status goes, beautiful Islamic urdu names males are provided unique religious codes to help them in establishing themselves in Islam. Among these are the names of Prophet, his wives, his companions, the Quranic verses and the Hadith to mention a few.

The following basic ingredients are to be found in this simple verse: Surah Al-Ikhlas (The Life), verse 43 (the Holy Quran) - "The likeness of Adam is the likeness of a rock". Surah Al-Baqarah (The Cave), verse 49 (Quranic verses) - "And know that they say: 'Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah, but the One whom He sent with a Sign and guidance is only Allah."

The above verse tells us that they say Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. It also tells us that those who are named in this verse will know only that they are the Prophet and will never know about the contents of the actual Quran.

Next is Surah Ash-Shura (The Family), verse 81 (Quranic verse). It tells us that they will be given a beautiful name that is never mentioned in the actual Quran or the Holy Hadith. The end result is a good name that will not tarnish their name in any way.

The Ayurvedic Doctor on the other hand is required to look at the inside of the human body. Through their expertise they will tell you how they can find out the beautiful names in Urdu that are guaranteed to bring about good effects on the person. They will tell you that they will give you names in Urdu in the original form of the Persian Language.

Although the words may sound quite different from the ones in the Persian Language; the Persian Name will sound exactly like the real Persian Name in terms of pronunciation. It will sound just like the Persian Name. The Ayurvedic doctor will tell you that this is the best way to get a name in Urdu that will have an effect on the individual.

With this being the case it is obvious that their importance cannot be over-emphasized in the Islam and with great value these names will continue to be used by the Muslims. They will also be used as religious IDs. These Beautiful islamic urdu namesand their Meaning in Urdu will continue to be used by Muslims throughout the world.

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