Islamic Names in Urdu - List of Islamic Names in Urdu:

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There is a list of Islamic names in Urdu, you can use as a resource for your children when naming their newborns. It is a very good way to keep the names traditional and religious when naming your children.

Name a baby. Though it is more like giving a name to God, not everyone is into that. The process of naming a baby is a very sacred one in many parts of the world. Even today, there are people who will use certain words for the purpose of adding a personal touch to the baby's name, but still keeping it in accordance with the religion.

Names are part of every child's life. It is considered part of their heritage as a human being. A name can become a part of a child's identity. For example, if a man has a son, his name is inherited by the child. For the best list of Islamic names in Urdu, you can look online for some lists that have them.

So, what are some of the names in this list? Those are: (you might recognize them). These names are common to all Muslims. Now, the choice is yours, would you want to go through all the list, just to name a baby? Or would you want to go through some of the smaller names that could be good enough for the child?

Why go through all the religious words, when it is only going to be used as a part of the child's life? If you are good with Arabic, and know how to use the online software, that would be a great help. The purpose is not so much about getting to name a baby, but getting to select a name, that is suitable for the child.

With the growing number of baby names, notall of them are suitable for everyone. Some people are born with a name that they do not like, and that is another issue altogether.

Some people name their children after their pet. A few other names are for people that are on the honor roll, or have had a hard life. No matter what, the family name is one thing that is used for the whole family.

No matter how you decide to go about naming your baby, naming a baby, the name is a part of his or her life, it should be a good one. You can take a look at some of the names in this list, if you don't want to name a baby from scratch.

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