Muslim Urdu Baby Names with Meaning:

Muslim Urdu Baby Names
Muslim baby

Some of the names of baby boys are Islamic Baby Names and some of the names of baby girls are Urdu Baby Names. The Islamic Urdu Baby Names with Meaning is said to be one of the best reasons for parents to choose this kind of names for their babies.

Even though some say that it is more expensive, but parents should give preference to Muslim Urdu Baby Names with Meaning as their baby boys or Muslim Urdu Baby Names in Urdu for their baby girls. Muslim Baby Names in Urdu are more of a choice as it does not have much spelling and pronunciation problems. There are so many name spellings and pronunciations available for this Arabic language and it is very easy to pronounce and spell a name in Urdu.

While speaking of names for babies, one mustn't need to use sound analysis to explain what names mean. In Arabic, there are many forms of pronunciation for a name, which are not similar to any other language. Therefore, it is very easy to understand and pronounce a name with meanings of mother tongue, when it is pronounced in a familiar manner. For example, one can't forget the name Hamza and pronounce it as hez-zam-ee as that name is in fact, Arabic, which we all know better than the Urdu name.

For baby boys, the names in Urdu are very simple and easily understood. They have just one meaning only. Since these names are not derived from any meaning and because they are not given much importance in other languages, they may take longer to be accepted by parents. The name Hamza, Hamood, Jamil, Jamuel, Jamail, & Jamel are the names of Muslim baby boys in Urdu.

The names in Urdu for baby girls are very beautiful and mostly very simple. They have two meanings: one meaning relates to innocence andpurity and the other meaning to beauty and femininity. The names of baby girls in Urdu are Iman, Imineen, Imana, Imara, & Imaraa.

The names of baby girls are almost always in the honor of the Holy Prophet (s) and in many cultures, it is considered unlucky if a girl has a different name. In Islam, if a girl or woman has a different name, she can get rid of this curse by joining the Islamic community. Moreover, her new name will be a part of the Islamic society and its culture. But this doesn't seem to be a difficult task.

There are thousands of women and girls who belong to Islamic communities and many of them are Urdu speakers, and they choose to adopt the name that they heard to become a part of that society. Thus, it is a very wise decision for a girl or woman to choose a name that has some meaning.

One thing is sure: it is his/her own mind that makes up the destiny of the people. With a little self-introspection, everyone can be happy about the name that she/he chooses for him/herself.

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